The key to creating and sustaining support for your program...

I've been asked to share my view at an upcoming symposium at High 5 Adventure Learning. Here is what it boils down to for me.

  1. Public relations and connection building are critical to program sustainability.
  2. Funding comes from the places and times you least expect it.
  3. If you ask for money you get advice. If you ask for advice you may just get money.
  4. Seeking support and funding is like going to the chiropractor. If you go when you don’t need it, you’ll always feel good. If you wait until you are in pain, it is a long, slow process that can’t always be resolved.

I learned these core components from some pretty successful teachers and mentors:  Bill Bates, former Director of PE and Athletics, Cambridge Public Schools; Deb Walter, former National High School PE Teacher of the Year, Rogers Arkansas; Susun White, Executive Director, Pa'ia Youth and Cultural Center on Maui; Mac Hall, Executive Director, National Indian Youth Leadership Project and  Jim Grout, Executive Director, High 5 Adventure Learning.

My learning is that when you do the first three, all day, every day (see # 4), your program will thrive. And the best part is you won't have to be the sole champion...your supporters will begin advocating on your behalf! Proactively!

If you or your program can benefit from learning how to operationalize these four core components, let's talk.

Consultation available in person, on the phone or on the web![subscribe2]