Businesses Value Managers Who Authentically Coach
Most managers who think they're coaching their staff are often mistaken.
It’s a pretty common occurrence that when I ask a group of managers, “Who uses coaching as a tool to build staff competency?”, everyone raises their hands. I wish they were correct. Although they believe they are using authentic coaching methods, they soon learn that the methods they consider to be coaching are really something else.
For the majority of managers working with staff, authentic coaching skills are required, and more businesses than ever realize how critical coaching is to team success. Yet the number of managers who have actually learned the necessary skills remains quite low.
Many people are under the false impression that coaching is something that comes “naturally” and doesn’t require skill development or formal training. Even people with a natural propensity to be a good coach need training to build that talent into a valuable skill.
Without coaching training, managers actually waste valuable time and energy doing the problem-solving and project management that their staff could be doing. Managers often report they are exhausted from staff asking repeat questions instead of seeking solutions on their own.
Authentic coaching, when applied at the right moments, solves the problem of staff dependency on their managers for basic answers and constant guidance, closing the gap between potential and performance.
The Drain of Managing Humans
The number one complaint we hear from managers is about all the effort and time it takes to supervise and develop individual staff members.
Do any of these quotes sound familiar?
“Why does my staff behave like children?”
“Why do they ask the same question over and over every week?”
“I’m so sick of holding people accountable.”
“I give them opportunities, and don’t they don’t pick up the ball and run with it”.
“Learning how to incorporate authentic coaching will make developing and holding people accountable more easeful and satisfying.”
Even managers who’ve had significant management training and experience still find the managing humans is frustrating. Why? Because traditional training programs fail to teach authentic coaching, which is the most effective tool for motivating and empowering humans.
Learning how to incorporate authentic coaching will make developing and holding people accountable more easeful and satisfying.
What is Coaching?
Coaching is a unique collaboration in which both partners are equal, and the focus is on desired change. Coaching is a tool to increase accountability, skillfulness, and proactive problem-solving in your team. The ultimate goal of coaching is action toward change. In fact, it is not possible to coach a team member who does not desire change.
The Navigating Challenging Dialogue approach to coaching builds upon the same talents and strengths that make you a strong manager to begin with. Training activities are based on real-life scenarios. You will learn coaching strategies that bring out the best in your staff. The result is stronger collaboration, more consistent goal achievement, and a reduction in miscommunication and drama.
What is Navigating Challenging Dialogue Coaching?
Navigating Challenging Dialogue is a set of tools rooted in what we know about how our brain actually operates and how we engage with our emotions. These tools empower you to determine how you want to show up and be seen. It creates space so you can proactively manage your responses and reactions.
You learn the specific process for recognizing when an interaction or potential conversation is causing emotional hotspot activation.
You’ll understand how this activation can influence your brain into taking involuntary action to protect you (meaning you might react without thinking rather respond with intention).
You’ll learn to recognize common thinking errors, and how they mislead us about the facts of any situation.
You’ll develop skills for engaging from a clear and clean communication foundation.
You’ll create a repeatable process for having effective dialogue with a focus on the good of the whole.
When you coach using Navigating Challenging Dialogue, you’ll be helping your staff operate in their own lane, in their own zone of strength, and be able to collaborate with others whose communication style, work style, values, and strengths may be different from their own.
Ready to Transform Your Experience?
For a personal assessment to determine if this approach to coaching is right for you, contact me.