Do You Resist Giving Feedback? Does Receiving Feedback Feel Uncomfortable?
Feedback is rarely something most of us look forward to because it almost never results in good – or productive – information we can actually use. Sometimes people try to cushion “negative” feedback with praise or “positive” feedback. It’s a technique that always feels inauthentic, and the “real” feedback gets lost.
It is not uncommon for feedback to create drama instead of improve performance. Add in remote management, uncertainty, and overwhelm, and it’s no wonder that we often tiptoe around giving feedback.
The Mastering Feedback Workshop is a Genuine Fix
The Mastering Feedback workshop is for anyone looking to improve their skills in giving and receiving feedback so that it’s genuinely actionable.
Using materials based on Beth Wonson’s book, Mastering Feedback: Everything You Were Never Told About Giving Feedback, you’ll practice the proven skills and strategies of delivering effective feedback.
You’ll learn about Navigating Challenging Dialogue® (NCD), the NCD Process for Feedback, and the NCD Principles.These are proven tools for effective, fact-based feedback that is actionable. Learn to create connections and achieve results through self-awareness and fact-based communication.
You’ll bring your own real-world challenges to class. Then, using the 4-Step NCD Process for Feedback, you’ll learn to:
Frame feedback so that it’s clear, actionable, and constructive
Build trust through fact-based communication
Build a stronger relationship with the other party
Whether you’re a manager, leader, or simply someone who wants to overcome the common challenges and emotional hurdles of feedback, this workshop is for you.
““Beth Wonson has taken one of a supervisor’s essential tasks and turned it on its head; suddenly it isn’t scary anymore... I wish I’d had “Mastering Feedback” years ago to use in my Supervisor Training curriculum.” ”
Betsey Nash, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Nash Hr Services
By Design, This Is Not a Typical Workshop Where You Sit Back and Listen to the Instructor
This course is experiential. You will write-up 2 scenarios of your own to learn and practice the NCD Process during the workshop. Each scenario will describe a conversation you'll be having with one specific person. This should be a conversation that you anticipate may be challenging or which you've been dreading.
Navigating Challenging Dialogue is the Foundation of Effective Feedback
Navigating Challenging Dialogue (NCD) is a toolkit for building trust by developing self-awareness, emotional self-regulation, empathy, and curiosity. NCD is the foundation of all the work that I do, and is essential for effective feedback.
By following the NCD Process for Feedback, you can have feedback conversations which are less stressful and more effective.
Practicing the NCD Principles will develop the skills that lead to building trust: self-awareness, emotional self-regulation, empathy, and curiosity.
These skills are foundational to being effective in communication, leadership, and incorporating coaching skills into the workplace.
Using Navigating Challenging Dialogue® has helped hundreds of individuals and organizations to clearly communicate in ways that create connections, build bridges, and get results.
“Beth Wonson has developed a clear system for providing feedback that is beneficial both to the giver and the recipient of the feedback. It’s extremely useful in personal as well as professional settings.”
Spot-coaching and support for your personal scenarios and questions.
Access to a private online classroom where you can download the class materials, complete the homework, and ask questions outside of class.
Complimentary access to our Online Learning Center with our entire library of communication and leadership development resources.
Certificate awarded upon successful completion of all assignments (and active workshop participation!).
You'll also get complimentary digital copies of Beth’s books:
Turn This Conversation Around: The 4-Stage Process for Communication with Connection. This is the official Navigating Challenging Dialogue® handbook.
Mastering Feedback: Everything You’ve Never Been Told About How to Give Feedback.
Watch as Lisa Hunt describes how she has benefited from taking the NCD workshop.
Connect with Beth Wonson About Mastering Feedback
Hi, I'm Beth. I'm glad you're here! If you’re ready to learn how the Mastering Feedback workshop can benefit your team — or to ask me any questions — you can:
Message me below.
Schedule a free call with me.
Or you can email me the details if you prefer:
Beth Wonson, Founder of Navigating Challenging Dialogue®, Communications Expert
“I can say without hesitation that nobody’s more skilled than Beth and her team at maximizing your potential as a leader.”