Sometimes The World Needs Us To Be Disruptors

Sometimes the world needs us to be disruptors. Energy patterns are created by our behaviors and reactions. Sometimes just shifting the direction of negative energy can feel like a relief!  

Here’s a quick story about what I mean.

Recently my partner and I were going through a drive-thru to grab some cold drinks while we were out doing errands. It was one of those divided lanes where 2 cars can each order at once. I was on the left and a man was in a car on the right. He was there first and so placed his order ahead of mine. When I was done ordering, I waited for him to move forward. He did not. I tried to establish eye contact but he was looking down. I waited for what seemed like a reasonable time and he still did not make a move. So I assumed he was having trouble ordering and cars were waiting behind me. So I started to drive up to the payment window.  

Well he lost his ever loving mind. He started screaming at me through his open window saying that I had cut in front of him and that it wasn’t my turn. And he was honking his horn repeatedly. 

I tried to explain that I had waited for him to go and he did not, but that did not satisfy him. In fact, it made him more angry. 

The young cashier in the window said, “What’s up with him?”

I shrugged saying, “I think he is upset that I went and he thought it was his turn.”

I surprised myself when I heard myself saying, “I want to pay for his food.” It was the only thing I could think of at the moment to disrupt the energy.

All the while the man was still honking and yelling. The cashier was surprised and said, “Why are you doing that? What should I tell him?”

I said, “Tell him I paid so maybe he will be able to stop behaving so badly.” 

I have no idea what the cashier did or did not tell the customer. I have no idea what the customer did or did not feel as a result of my payment. But what I felt was relief. I had chosen a pathway that helped me step out of negative energy and bad feelings.

Two Navigating Challenging Dialogue® mantras came to me later: “Be responsible for the energy I bring” and “The only person I can manage is myself”. 

When I tell people that I practice NCD daily in my life, I’m not kidding. This work has saved me from unnecessary drama, chaos, and unhealthy conflict more times than I can count.

Where can you disrupt some unwanted energy today?

Beth Wonson